My Name is Alex

Week 2 of my 52 week photo project. Let's step back a bit to week one, I photographed some strangers in the night. Some were in shops and some window shopping. One man stood out for me when I was taking that walk. The walk I would do 6 times a week every week from work to the train station.

This gentleman's name is Alex. When I noticed him from outside his store Sirplus, the first thing I spotted was the large tattoo on his head. He also, as you'll notice, possesses a very healthy beard and suitably well dressed as you'd expect from someone working in a men's style store. In week 1, I photographed Alex from outside, through the window of his and then moved on. I don't like to linger too long in places, but I'm an observer and sometimes it takes waiting and watching to capture another moment worth photographing.

Four days after week 1 photo was posted, I walked up to the Sirplus store and opened the door. Alex was sitting behind the counter. I introduced myself and explained my project and who I was. I said that I'd photographed him last week along with a few other humans and asked if he minded I took the photo. He really liked the black and white mood to the photos and we got talking about passions and our lives. I asked him about his tattoos as that was one of things that stood out for me when I saw him, he said he has lost count of how many tattoos he has but remembers the first tattoo at the age of 16 being a drunken decision. He's since then tattooed over various other tattoos and scars. I am fascinated by tattoos, the creation, the artistry, the styles, the artists that create them and the stories which make people want to get one.

I really love the essence of Sirplus's philosophy. Alex explained that Sirplus as a brand take the surplus fabric which is no longer wanted or is considered cool anymore and create something new out of them. I'm all for creating more sustainable practices and would encourage more retailers and even customer to think about more. Sirplus, in my eyes feels like a brand creating smart, cosy, outdoorsy and understated attire for the man. I really like the aesthetic but unfortunately, being a small human, none of the clothes in the shop would fit me. Well maybe perhaps the socks, hats, scarves and ties. I complimented the store with its nature influenced tones of clothing and plants.

Alex says that he's pretty good at attending to plants and is very good to propagating new plants out of other plants. I love plants so when I get to have a discussion with some on how to attend to them and keep them happy, I'm all ears. Alex had even brought his own plant in the store. In four years at my apartment, I built a pretty decent collection of plants and kept most of them pretty happy... including pineapple and avocado plants.

One thing that we touched on that I'd love to speak to Alex more about, was that he mentioned that he likes to dabble in a little bit of painting, which sparked my interest being someone who works at the head office of an art supplies store in Angel.

I found Alex to be a very kind, welcoming and chatty human. I encourage you to visit Alex at his Sirplus store and have a little look around. I'm sure I'll see Alex again seen as I work near by. If you visit the Sirplus, be sure to let him know where you found out about him and his lovely little store.

Let me know what you think. Follow me on this journey.

If you'd like to work on a photo with me one week, feel free to drop me a message via Instagram @bimalt or via my contact form.